Retro blocks link ... Whoops!!

Well, this is what happens when you're too durn lazy to check your work! I forgot to capitalize a letter in the link's URL (for some reason, my web host is REALLY picky about that) and it messed up the link! But it's fixed now!! I'm really, really sorry if'n I messed ya'll up or aggravated you!! :(

To those that gave me a holler 'bout it, thank you!!! I'd never have realized it!! :)

Until next time ...

Big ol' quilty hugs!!
Connie :)


Fer said...

Just voted! Love the new look too. Fer :o)

Rhonda P. said...

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Lishy said...

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Lisa Boyer said...

Wow! This is a great site! I really need to spend some time here and see what this is all about! I love the EQ downloads; I just took a peek at the Coneflowers and they are wonderful. What an amazing resource for quilters--you go, girl!