Retro blocks link ... Whoops!!
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Well, this is what happens when you're too durn lazy to check your work! I forgot to capitalize a letter in the link's URL (for some reason, my web host is REALLY picky about that) and it messed up the link! But it's fixed now!! I'm really, really sorry if'n I messed ya'll up or aggravated you!! :(
To those that gave me a holler 'bout it, thank you!!! I'd never have realized it!! :)
Until next time ...
Big ol' quilty hugs!!
Connie :)
To those that gave me a holler 'bout it, thank you!!! I'd never have realized it!! :)
Until next time ...
Big ol' quilty hugs!!
Connie :)
electric quilt,
PLEASE vote!
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Hey ya'll ... here I am again, beggin' you to vote about the file size issue ... I really would LOVE to know how big is too big when it comes to ya'll downloadin' files! The last thing I want to do is give ya'll an eZine that's just too big or slow to download - last thing I want to do is waste ya'll's time!!
So, please, please, take a quick sec and vote!
Alrighty ... back to my studio to get some more work done!! :)
As always, big ol' quilty hugs to you all!!
Connie :)
As always, big ol' quilty hugs to you all!!
Connie :)
Retro Blocks EQ6 file uploaded!
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As ya'll may or may not know, I'm a HUGE "retro" and "repro" fan! I just LOVE findin' ol' blocks and wonderin' about the quiltmaker who created'em. And I love even more usin' em in my projects!! Even the oldest of blocks can be used in imaginative ways - to breathe new life into an old pattern! So, please download the "Retro Blocks" EQ6 file (only about 1 MB) and start breathin' some new life into some "old" blocks TODAY!!
For those of ya'll that love ol' fashioned blocks and don't have EQ, I'll be uploadin' the PDF patterns to'em in the next couple of days ... just keep your eyes peeled! In the meantime, take a look-see at the blocks in the image I'm uploadin' (go ahead and click on the image if'n you want to see it bigger and better!) and start thinkin' about how you can make'em your own!!
More blocks - this time from the Civil War era - will be comin' soon! By the time I'm done, if you download'em all, we'll have added quite a few new blocks to your pattern library - both your EQ6 and your paper pattern libraries! :)
Until next time!! Soon!!
Big ol' quilty hugs!!
Connie :)
A New Year and ...
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A New Look!!
Well, this is where you get to decide if I wasted my time over the holidays! I came up with a new header, new color scheme, and new look for my blog ... and I spent ALL day tweakin' this and that! It's not quite what I'm envisionin' but it's closer. And as I find the time, I'll keep tweakin' the elements 'n' settin's to get it j-u-u-u-u-s-t right! If'n ya'll have any suggestions, ideas, criticisms or compliments, I sure would LOVE to hear'em!
A New Update on the eZine!!
I've also made a lot of progress on the eZine over the holidays ... I've got four new patterns/projects designed, two more mouth-waterin' recipes, three more tips 'n' tidbits, and two more articles! Yippee!!! Yay!!! I'll be finishin' up takin' the pictures for the spreads this week ... and I have a projected date for sendin' out by the end of the month at the latest. Yay!!!! :)
In the next few days, I'll be puttin' up a poll, askin' ya'll what's the biggest PDF file size ya'll want to fool with. That will decide whether or not I split the patterns and eZine into two parts ... the eZine in one file and the patterns themselves in another (sort of like how magazines have the "pull-out" pattern section). Remember, ya'll will get a link in your e-mail box and once you click the link, the file(s) will automatically download to your computer desktop.
And remember, those of ya'll who're usin' EQ6: each issue will have links to downloadable EQ6 project files!! :)
(NOTE: Please make sure that you provide a working e-mail addy when you sign up for the eZine & mailing list!! Last two times I sent out the newsletter, I had three of ya'll's e-mails bounce my newsletter back!!)
Well, that's about it for now!! I'm hopin' to be back tomorrow afternoon at the latest (after I finish a few illustrations for clients!) ... and I really hope to hear from ya'll SOON!! :)
Quilty hugs!!!
Connie :)
Well, this is where you get to decide if I wasted my time over the holidays! I came up with a new header, new color scheme, and new look for my blog ... and I spent ALL day tweakin' this and that! It's not quite what I'm envisionin' but it's closer. And as I find the time, I'll keep tweakin' the elements 'n' settin's to get it j-u-u-u-u-s-t right! If'n ya'll have any suggestions, ideas, criticisms or compliments, I sure would LOVE to hear'em!
A New Update on the eZine!!
I've also made a lot of progress on the eZine over the holidays ... I've got four new patterns/projects designed, two more mouth-waterin' recipes, three more tips 'n' tidbits, and two more articles! Yippee!!! Yay!!! I'll be finishin' up takin' the pictures for the spreads this week ... and I have a projected date for sendin' out by the end of the month at the latest. Yay!!!! :)
In the next few days, I'll be puttin' up a poll, askin' ya'll what's the biggest PDF file size ya'll want to fool with. That will decide whether or not I split the patterns and eZine into two parts ... the eZine in one file and the patterns themselves in another (sort of like how magazines have the "pull-out" pattern section). Remember, ya'll will get a link in your e-mail box and once you click the link, the file(s) will automatically download to your computer desktop.
And remember, those of ya'll who're usin' EQ6: each issue will have links to downloadable EQ6 project files!! :)
(NOTE: Please make sure that you provide a working e-mail addy when you sign up for the eZine & mailing list!! Last two times I sent out the newsletter, I had three of ya'll's e-mails bounce my newsletter back!!)
Well, that's about it for now!! I'm hopin' to be back tomorrow afternoon at the latest (after I finish a few illustrations for clients!) ... and I really hope to hear from ya'll SOON!! :)
Quilty hugs!!!
Connie :)
PDF patterns for the next three FAFSQ blocks!
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Well, Christmas is just a pleasant memory now ... though we still have all the decorations up (we'll keep the decorations up until February - in honor of my father-in-law and his birthday, a wonderful man, who passed away last year). Talk about hectic! We had my mother-in-law (divorced from my FIL for 'bout 30 years) over for Christmas Eve and Day ... and to say that was on the hectic and stressful side would be an understatement! To say that I'm less than what she had hoped for her only son would be like sayin' quilters love fabric! :)
But anywho, I've finally got the mess cleaned up and I'm back. The day after Christmas, we had over 8 FULL bags of trash!! Our garbageman earns his pay and then some! And I really doubt that our annual "Christmas tip" made up for it one iota!
One source of trash is the newest addition to our household: the cutest li'l guinea pig you ever did see! My sweet li'l boy, Luke (10 years old - and feelin' it!), has been pesterin' us for a pet for the past two years. O'course, takin' care of a pet isn't an easy task ... and this Christmas, he told us that he finally felt "mature" enough to take care of another li'l life. So, Santa brought the cage and we supplied the piggie. You never saw the trash this cutie makes (the piggie, not my son - though he does run a close second)! Bedding, food, poop ... you name it! I really didn't think that such a small critter could poop so much! I guess that's why the Good Lord made'em so cute - if they weren't so adorable, we'd eat'em and not keep'em as pets!! And for a li'l "poop machine" he's a cutie and a half!! As soon as I can catch the li'l stinker I'll take some pictures. That li'l critter moves FAST and doesn't seem to be too comfy in front of a camera!
Alrighty, all jabberin' aside, just take a quick look to the left and you'll see the new patterns in PDF form. I'm tryin' a different method of "printin' them to PDF" so if ya'll have ANY issues with the patterns, please let me know!! If the letters or numbers are too small when you print'em, if the numbering is confusin' ... whatever might not be what it could ... I want to know about it!!
I also want to give a quick "thank you" to all the wonderful quilty friends who wrote me after my latest "newsletter" thankin' me for the patterns and givin' me encouragement! I swear, I may just kidnap ya'll and make you live with me! I don't get THAT much support and encouragement from my family and friends!! Ya'll are truly special ... and truly a Blessin'!! Ya'll are the ones that make the work worthwhile ... the creative juices flow!! So .... thank YOU!!! :)
Well, updatin' my site and blog is goin' to have to wait a spell ... we've got a few electrical issues that have to be fixed before I can go into my studio (where I have my main computer and the software I need to use). For the next few days I'm without power in there. We're hopin' to be able to use extension cords to hook up to the upstairs (my studio is in a converted garage) ... but if that doesn't pan out, the "premiere" dates for my blog and site may have to be postponed a bit. For those of you that are interested, I'll keep ya'll updated. :)
One good thing ... I've got two new pin cushion patterns ALMOST done. I'd like to use pictures/photos for the directions instead of illustrations - mainly because I think it'd be easier to understand than simple illustrations. One of them is a bit on the tricky side and the photos will be a big help. My dear, sweet, quiltin', daughter will be helpin' me with this! Yay!! She's out of school until the 7th of January, so we'll be puttin' in a LOT of sewin' time!!
Anywho ... please feel free to give me a holler - whether it's a cause ya'll need help with, a pattern you'd like to see, or to complain or compliment - I'd LOVE to hear from ya'll!! Meanwhile, I'll be designin' more quilts and blocks!! And tryin' to catch a picture of that cute li'l piggie! :)
Until next time ...
Big ol' quilty hugs!!
Connie :)
But anywho, I've finally got the mess cleaned up and I'm back. The day after Christmas, we had over 8 FULL bags of trash!! Our garbageman earns his pay and then some! And I really doubt that our annual "Christmas tip" made up for it one iota!
One source of trash is the newest addition to our household: the cutest li'l guinea pig you ever did see! My sweet li'l boy, Luke (10 years old - and feelin' it!), has been pesterin' us for a pet for the past two years. O'course, takin' care of a pet isn't an easy task ... and this Christmas, he told us that he finally felt "mature" enough to take care of another li'l life. So, Santa brought the cage and we supplied the piggie. You never saw the trash this cutie makes (the piggie, not my son - though he does run a close second)! Bedding, food, poop ... you name it! I really didn't think that such a small critter could poop so much! I guess that's why the Good Lord made'em so cute - if they weren't so adorable, we'd eat'em and not keep'em as pets!! And for a li'l "poop machine" he's a cutie and a half!! As soon as I can catch the li'l stinker I'll take some pictures. That li'l critter moves FAST and doesn't seem to be too comfy in front of a camera!
Alrighty, all jabberin' aside, just take a quick look to the left and you'll see the new patterns in PDF form. I'm tryin' a different method of "printin' them to PDF" so if ya'll have ANY issues with the patterns, please let me know!! If the letters or numbers are too small when you print'em, if the numbering is confusin' ... whatever might not be what it could ... I want to know about it!!
I also want to give a quick "thank you" to all the wonderful quilty friends who wrote me after my latest "newsletter" thankin' me for the patterns and givin' me encouragement! I swear, I may just kidnap ya'll and make you live with me! I don't get THAT much support and encouragement from my family and friends!! Ya'll are truly special ... and truly a Blessin'!! Ya'll are the ones that make the work worthwhile ... the creative juices flow!! So .... thank YOU!!! :)
Well, updatin' my site and blog is goin' to have to wait a spell ... we've got a few electrical issues that have to be fixed before I can go into my studio (where I have my main computer and the software I need to use). For the next few days I'm without power in there. We're hopin' to be able to use extension cords to hook up to the upstairs (my studio is in a converted garage) ... but if that doesn't pan out, the "premiere" dates for my blog and site may have to be postponed a bit. For those of you that are interested, I'll keep ya'll updated. :)
One good thing ... I've got two new pin cushion patterns ALMOST done. I'd like to use pictures/photos for the directions instead of illustrations - mainly because I think it'd be easier to understand than simple illustrations. One of them is a bit on the tricky side and the photos will be a big help. My dear, sweet, quiltin', daughter will be helpin' me with this! Yay!! She's out of school until the 7th of January, so we'll be puttin' in a LOT of sewin' time!!
Anywho ... please feel free to give me a holler - whether it's a cause ya'll need help with, a pattern you'd like to see, or to complain or compliment - I'd LOVE to hear from ya'll!! Meanwhile, I'll be designin' more quilts and blocks!! And tryin' to catch a picture of that cute li'l piggie! :)
Until next time ...
Big ol' quilty hugs!!
Connie :)
Folk Art Flavored Series Quilt: PDF patterns coming!
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Finally!! I've got the new FAFSQ patterns printed to PDF!! They'll be up here soon ... I'm sendin' the links to the PDFs to those of ya'll who've signed up for my newsletter/eZine first (since ya'll have been so loyal and patient!) and I'll post them here in a couple of days.
And I really owe ya'll an apology ... I honestly thought that hubby was mended up enough that I could devote my time back here again and that things would be back to normal ... but "normal" seems to still be a bit in the future. But don't get me wrong ... I see every day that the Good Lord gives me with my family and friends as a Blessin'. So I hope ya'll don't take what I've said as complainin'!! :)
I've got a few other things to say, but I'll put'em up as separate posts - that way, if'n you're not interested in the topic, you don't have to read it! :)
Until then,
Quilty hugs!!
Connie :)
And I really owe ya'll an apology ... I honestly thought that hubby was mended up enough that I could devote my time back here again and that things would be back to normal ... but "normal" seems to still be a bit in the future. But don't get me wrong ... I see every day that the Good Lord gives me with my family and friends as a Blessin'. So I hope ya'll don't take what I've said as complainin'!! :)
I've got a few other things to say, but I'll put'em up as separate posts - that way, if'n you're not interested in the topic, you don't have to read it! :)
Until then,
Quilty hugs!!
Connie :)
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